Springwood in the community

As we get older it is easy to see why we might find ourselves feeling isolated and less part of a wider community. Our home is filled with unique, intelligent and charming characters and run by special people who really do care. We work hard to create lasting links between our residents and the local community, developing relationships across the generations. We are very fortunate to be supported by a number of groups from the local area including, but not limited to:

The Friday Poetry Group

The Communion Ladies

Duffield Rainbows

Duffield Scouts

Tra La La community singing group

Duffield Brownies

The Emmanuel Ladies

Ecclesbourne School Ambassadors

Crossways Singers

Duffield Meadows Primary School

Piano Concert with Beate's School of Music

Cubs come to sing for the residents

Ecclesbourne School 6th Form Ambassadors organise an activity

Tra La La community singing group and Nativity

Everyone brings a Teddy to the Teddybears' Picnic! Organised with Tra La La and the children of Duffield

Springwood Community summer party

Residents and children of Duffield enjoy a mini art day, making decorations for Duffield Carnival

Springwood House celebrates Care Home Open Day with family, friends and Duffield Meadows School

Duffield Rainbows come to sing to the residents

Crossways Singers perform for the residents